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    {{line.originalPrice / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale}}
    {{line.price / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale}}
  • Taxes and fees
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    {{pricingTotal / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale}}
  • Taxes and fees
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1,000 sq ft Kitchen for rent in Chelsea, NYC

Fast Responder

Pop-up restaurant in New York

Restaurant / Bar / Cafe
750 sq ft

Ideal uses

Photo Shooting
Shop Share

About this space

This 1,000 foot space in Chelsea is a Commercial Kitchen with counter space and mixers.

Close to the Flat Iron Building. Conveniently located on West 22nd Street between 6th and 7th Avenues. Access to refrigerator, freezer and convection ovens available.

May be rented daily, weekly or monthly.

Minimum of one 5ft table rental and as much as the whole kitchen available.

Kitchen space is nestled inside a baking supply shop.

Open 10am-6pm Monday through Saturday


Handicap Accessible
Air Conditioning
Street Level
Ground Floor
Large Door Entrance
Water Access


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Minimum rental:
1 day
Maximum rental:
6 months

How Storefront works:
  1. Send a request to the owner with no commitment to pay.
  2. Ask questions and visit the space. We're here to help when you need it.
  3. Book the space as easily as a hotel room.
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