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    {{line.originalPrice / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale}}
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    {{pricingTotal / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale}}
  • Taxes and fees
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North park warehouse

Entire event space in Uptown, San Antonio

Uptown – San Antonio, Texas, United States

2,000 sq ft

Ideal uses


About this space

This new warehouses have 2000 sqft with parking spots excelente for retail business.


Air Conditioning
Street Level
Private Parking


No reviews yet


See all photos


Minimum rental:
12 months
Maximum rental:
1+ years

How Storefront works:
  1. Send a request to the owner with no commitment to pay.
  2. Ask questions and visit the space. We're here to help when you need it.
  3. Book the space as easily as a hotel room.
Learn more about how it works →

Why Lease Unique Boutique in Rye, NY?

Are you looking for a unique and stylish space for your business or event? Look no further than the Unique Boutique in Rye, NY. Located in the heart of Rye, this boutique offers a stylish and modern atmosphere for all types of occasions.

What are the Features of Unique Boutique in Rye, NY?

The Unique Boutique in Rye, NY is a modern and stylish space that is perfect for any occasion. The boutique features a large open space with plenty of room to accommodate your guests. The space is also equipped with a full kitchen, a bar area, and a lounge area. Additionally, the boutique offers a variety of amenities, including a sound system, a projector, and a large screen for presentations.

What is Unique Boutique in Rye, NY Ideal For?

The Unique Boutique in Rye, NY is ideal for a variety of events and occasions. The space is perfect for corporate events, private gatherings, and special occasions. Additionally, the boutique is great for hosting birthday parties, product launches, and other special events.

How to Rent Unique Boutique in Rye, NY?

Renting the Unique Boutique in Rye, NY is easy and convenient. To rent the space, simply visit The Storefront website and select the "Rent a Space" option. From there, you can select the Unique Boutique in Rye, NY, and fill out the rental inquiry form. Once you have submitted the form, you will receive a response from The Storefront team within 24 hours. Once you have been approved, you can book a visit to the boutique and sign the rental agreement. The rental agreement will outline the duration of your rental and any other requirements.